When using materials from the site in any publication or other public disclosure of information, where you are based on the databases presented here, the following works should be cited:

regarding development and implementation of the ActiveTectonics information system and databases:

Gladkov A.A., Lunina O.V. Development of an interactive information system for constructing models of composite seismogenic sources in the south of Eastern Siberia // Proceedings of Irkutsk State Technical University. 2014. V. 9. P. 17–24.

Gladkov A.A., Lunina O.V., Andreev A.V. Some aspects of the development of an information system for the integration of data on active tectonics // Geoinformatika. 2013. V. 4. P. 6–14.

regarding the use of geospatial data on coseismic effects:

Lunina O.V., Andreev A.V., Gladkov A.A. Geological hazards associated with seismogenic faulting in southern Siberia and Mongolia: forms and location patterns // Russian Geology and Geophysics. 2014. V. 55. P. 1017–1031.

Andreev A.V., Lunina O. V. Earthquake parameters and spatial distribution of coseismic effects in Southern Siberia and Mongolia // Seismic Instruments. 2013. V. 49. No. 2. P. 139–177.

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