Dear users!

We hope you find our development useful, despite the fact that it is still far from perfect. We ask you to treat with understanding the shortcomings or inaccuracies in the case of their detection in the databases. Our information system is a solid framework for many years. We constantly replenish our databases in the event of new information and are ready to cooperate. If you have published or other materials that you are willing to share, or you simply have something that you can discuss with us about the data submitted, please write to the authors in the «Contact us» section.Creating databases is a lot of work. Only together can we make it satisfactory for all of us. And only in this case it is possible to achieve the most relevant and complete information for all objects of the map service. We are sure that no one doubts the importance of such developments, since they can be used to obtain new knowledge, conclusions, regularities important for the assessment of seismic and geological hazards.

Terms of Data Use

Databases of Pliocene-Quaternary faults, coseismic effects and seismogenic sources are of informative nature and cannot be used for commercial purposes, including resale and the provision of technical services based on databases.


When using materials from the site in any publication or other public disclosure of information, where you are based on the databases presented here, the following works should be cited:

regarding development and implementation of the ActiveTectonics information system and databases:

Gladkov A.A., Lunina O.V. Development of an interactive information system for constructing models of composite seismogenic sources in the south of Eastern Siberia // Proceedings of Irkutsk State Technical University. 2014. V. 9. P. 17–24.

Gladkov A.A., Lunina O.V., Andreev A.V. Some aspects of the development of an information system for the integration of data on active tectonics // Geoinformatika. 2013. V. 4. P. 6–14.

in terms of using geospatial fault data:

Lunina O.V. The digital map of the Pliocene–Quaternary crustal faults in the Southern East Siberia and the adjacent Northern Mongolia // Geodynamics & Tectonophysics. 2016. V. 7 (3). P. 407–434

Lunina O.V., Caputo R., Gladkov A., Gladkov AS. Southern East Siberia Pliocene-Quaternary faults: database, analysis and inference // Geoscience Frontiers. 2014. V. 5. P. 605–619, doi:

Limitation of liability

The authors do not guarantee that the databases of the Pliocene-Quaternary faults, coseismic effects and seismogenic sources are absolutely accurate and complete. The authors and the Institute of the Earth's Crust of the SB RAS are not responsible for making decisions based on the materials provided here.

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